2 Months Pregnant
Second Month of Pregnancy

Welcome to the second month of pregnancy. At the end of this month, you'll be a complete 2 months pregnant (see pregnancy chart). The 2nd month is approximately from week 5 to week 8.

Congratulations! You likely just found out you're pregnant (or some may still be waiting for the positive pregnancy test). Either way, your little embryo has implanted into the lining of the uterus and has begun to get nourishment from your ever-increasing blood supply.

The first month of pregnancy started with your last menstrual period (LMP) for the first week. The second week, you were waiting to ovulate. The third week conception (fertilization) occurred. And the fourth week implantation occurred.

By the end of the first month (or beginning of the second month), you may have taken a pregnancy test and gotten a positive result. Although, sometimes it takes a bit longer to test positive (don't worry, just test again in a few of days).

All right, now that you may know you are pregnant, one of the first answers you may want to know is when you are due. Well, the 40 weeks of pregnancy is counted from the date of your LMP. So you can count 40 weeks ahead from your LMP or you could use the pregnancy due date calendar chart to determine quickly your estimated due date. Also on the same page, you can quickly get your estimated due date by conception date if you know the day you conceived.

What Happens at 2 Months Pregnant

During the second month of pregnancy, your baby is growing very rapidly. From a teeny, tiny cluster of cells, to what looks like a tadpole or shrimp, to looking much more like a human baby by the end of 2 months pregnant.

This month, your baby's heart will start beating. By the end (8 weeks), most organs will be present (though many will not be working yet). And when all organs are present (by the end of week 10) your baby will officially become a fetus.

In week 5, your little embryo's organ formation begins. Your baby is floating in amniotic fluid which is surrounded by an outer protective sac called the chorion. The chorion will become the placenta. A group of cells that will later become the heart has begun to develop. Also the brain, spinal cord, muscle, and bone are developing.

In week 6, your little embryo's heart will start beating. Although you may not be able to hear it yet, it'll be beating about 120 to 160 beats per minute. If you were to have an ultrasound scan this week, you may be able to see the little heart fluttering. And arm buds are beginning to appear.

In week 7, your baby has an incredible growth spurt; growing from about 0.16 to 0.2 inch (4 to 5mm) at the beginning to about 1/2 inch (1.1 to 1.3cm). Leg buds begin to appear. The heart bulges from the body and is divided into right and left chambers. And many other organs are growing and developing.

In week 8, your baby is still growing rapidly. The arms are longer and have finger notches, and elbows are present. Legs are longer and have toe rays that will become toes. The heart now has aortic and pulmonary valves. Eyelids, tip of nose, and ears are starting to form.

Hormones like progesterone, estrogen, and hCG continue to rise causing many of the pregnancy symptoms you may be feeling.

Some symptoms you may have at 2 months pregnant are:

  • extreme fatigue and sleepiness
  • frequent urination
  • nausea and vomiting
  • constipation
  • heartburn, indigestion, flatulence and bloating
  • food aversions and cravings
  • breast fullness, heaviness, tenderness, tingling
  • darkening of the areola
  • increased vaginal discharge
  • occasional headaches
  • occasional faintness or dizziness
  • tightness of clothing around the waist, breasts, abdomen may appear enlarged, probably due to bowel distention rather than uterine growth

What can you do at 2 months pregnant

By now, in the second month of pregnancy, your baby is still an embryo and in the process of forming all it's organs.

This is a very critical time in your pregnancy. You must be wary of what you put in your body as the embryo is easily susceptible to damage now while the major organs are forming.

Talk to your doctor about which over-the-counter medications you can take. Some, such as aspirin, diet pills, and cold medicines that contain alcohol, should not be taken during pregnancy especially during the first few months.

Also, talk to your doctor about prescription medications you may be taking. But, never suddenly stop taking prescription drugs without talking with your doctor first. The withdrawal symptoms, that occur when certain drugs should be weaned instead, could cause harm to you or your baby.

Cut way back on alcohol consumption to 1 serving a day or less. It's time to quit smoking and leave hot tubs behind.

Although, warm baths while pregnant is perfectly safe. Keep the water temperature to 100° F or less.

Get enough exercise; it's encouraged during pregnancy and has many beneficial effects such as helping to relieve fatigue and stress. And, to help prepare your body for labor and delivery.

You most likely can continue what you were doing before you got pregnant. But pregnancy makes many changes in your body that means you may have to adjust your workouts. Just pay special attention to your body and how you are handling certain more rigorous routines. Now is the time to maintain your fitness (or increase very slowly); not for dramatic increases.

Now is not the time to start a particularly rigorous exercise routine if you were not very active before pregnancy. Start slow (walking, pregnancy yoga, etc.) and increase slowly. Again, pay close attention to how your body is handling your workouts.

Generally, if it feels good, it's ok. If it hurts, it's not ok.

You are now 2 months pregnant. Only 7 more to go!!

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